TEXT 2 VIDEO! The New Way To Interact With An Audience!
This Hot, New Technology was first seen during a Superbowl Commercial a few weeks ago, back in February 29019 and has been seen in commercials by AT&T and T-Mobile since. This, along with our other Hot, New technology, Interactive Video, IVis taking businesses large and small by storm!
Here at #V4SB, we have jumped on board and added these new Video Creation Editors to our Suitcase full of Unique Editors.
What is happening is called, in layman's terms; IVT or Interactive Video Technology. The real name for it is: Behavioral Dynamic Response.
We will be adding more demos soon. This one I created on the fly a few hours ago, stemming from having dinner on Valentine's day art the restaurant. feedback is always appreciated. There is a big white box on our home page with big red letters that says, Send a voice message
to Video 4 Small Biz. Easy to do right from any device you are using. Click our Big Logo and watch my first created clip.
Here at #V4SB, we have jumped on board and added these new Video Creation Editors to our Suitcase full of Unique Editors.
What is happening is called, in layman's terms; IVT or Interactive Video Technology. The real name for it is: Behavioral Dynamic Response.
We will be adding more demos soon. This one I created on the fly a few hours ago, stemming from having dinner on Valentine's day art the restaurant. feedback is always appreciated. There is a big white box on our home page with big red letters that says, Send a voice message
to Video 4 Small Biz. Easy to do right from any device you are using. Click our Big Logo and watch my first created clip.